Prospective Applicants – Current 8th graders
Dear families of current 8th graders,
Students in the Conroe or Caney Creek High School feeder zones are eligible to apply for admission to the Academy.
Our application deadline for the 2022-2023 School year is Friday, December 2, 2022.
- We had three 8th Grade Parent Information Nights. You can view the recording of the 11/5/22 presentation here:
Junior High counselors at Peet, Stockton, and Moorhead Junior High now have applications to hand out. Applications are available on our website at Applications can be submitted by mail, email, fax, or in-person drop off.
ASHP Application Packet – Fillable
ASHP Teacher Evaluation – Fillable
The Academy for Science and Health Professions, does not require any additional testing other than the PSAT 8/9 that all CISD 8th graders take at their junior high schools. If your child is not able to take this test, we will use standardized test data submitted with the application. All students must have completed Algebra I prior to starting their 9th grade year in the Academy. Summer opportunities are available to complete Algebra I.
The 9th grade campus presented information about the AP Human Geography class, and that video can be viewed here:
Please call or email with any questions.
William Kelly, Headmaster